Saturday, June 21, 2014

Chain reactions

Your thoughts become things.
Bring about what you think about.
The law of attraction.
The power of the mind.

For years now, the above have been EVERYWHERE although visualization tends to be associated more with sports and business. For years, I resisted the whole Oprah-led movement around “The Secret” although I don’t dislike Oprah per se. I doubt you’ll ever find me at my favourite coffee shop reading “The Secret” but, you might find me reading up on positive thinking.  Turns out, positive thoughts tend to have a positive effect on a person. Who knew? *wink*

There is something to be said for focusing on the things we do want, versus the things we don’t want. When we focus on something – whatever it is - we tend to make it happen. Logically, that would mean that if we focus on the negative, that’s what we’ll invite in our lives. The negative creeps in, leaves a bad taste in our mouth, makes us sour, which then projects negative out in the world to attract more negative. See what I’m gettin’ at?

Just recently, I’ve endeavoured to open up more, to share more freely, and to focus on positive thoughts and tone down the negative self-talk. I’m learning to identify the things I do want and to express myself clearly on those things. Should be a no brainer, right? Right... Except when you’ve been doing the opposite. Since changing my approach, there have been a series of positive chain reactions, big and small.

One of the bigger things is that I’ve been offered to develop and deliver a workshop to be offered in the fall, on a subject that is near and dear to my heart. It’s scary and cool all at the same time. You could say the offer came out of the blue, but when I look back at the weeks (and even months) leading up to the offer being made, I can see traces of dominos being put in place, waiting for the right time to be set in motion.

Today, it feels like where there were obstacles, there are clear paths. Where there were problems, there are solutions. Where there were no options, there are opportunities. Where there was only the past, there is now a present. And where there was self-doubt, there is renewed confidence.

Wherever they originate from, I am grateful for chain reactions. Just like dominoes, they can go both ways. Influencing which way they fall is entirely up to us.

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