Sunday, August 31, 2014

When opportunity knocks

Sometimes, opportunity knocks and one of several things happen.

One, you have your head so far up your proverbial arse that you don’t even see the opportunity. Two, you see the opportunity but you are just too afraid to do anything about it. Three, you (tentatively?) make a move to reach for it and the opportunity slips through your fingers like butter on piping hot corn on the cob. And for some opportunities, the timing just isn’t right. Four... You get the idea.

The remedy for having your head up your arse is to get your head out of from said arse. Sounds simple, right? Well, if you’ve been stuck in that... ahem... position for some time it may take a fair amount of... ahem... lubricant to see the light of day again. Effective lubricant options include trusted family and friends who can point out the predicament you happen to be in. Another option is your boss slapping you upside the head see you see the obvious staring you in the face. You can also be the “victim” of hitting a brick wall and having to reassess your... ahem... position.

The remedy for being afraid to seize the day is to get over your fears, those ugly monsters that keep you from spreading your wings and soaring. Fear serves a purpose when you are being chased by an alligator and you need to run for your life. But fears in our modern world are often ill founded and based on unhealthy perceptions and assumptions. Identify your fears, face them and then, feel them. It’s not just a mental exercise; it’s an emotional one too. Keep chasing your dreams, no matter how scared you may be. It’s always a better option that running from your fears.

The remedy for an opportunity slipping away is to realize and accept two things. If you didn’t reach for it, next time, reach for it. It might still slip away but it won’t be because you didn’t bother trying. If you did reach and it slipped away, there was a reason. Whatever that reason, there is a lesson for you to learn. Learn and integrate the lesson and you’ll be on your way.

Then, there is the question of timing.

Chris DeBurgh (I know, Chris DeBurgh... Ha!) sings a song called “Timing is Everything in Life” and he’s definitely on to something there. Most often, timing cannot be controlled. We receive two job offers at the same time and must pick one. Holy mother of! You meet someone amazing when you’ve been dating someone for only a few weeks. What do you do? Agony. Your text message service is on the fritz when a friend invites you to the hottest show in town. You receive the message AFTER the show is over. Damn! 

Timing cannot be controlled and yet, it is sometimes everything in life.

Opportunities have come and gone in many areas of my life, for all the reasons outlined above. And frankly, I’m equally grateful for opportunities I’ve taken advantage of, as the ones that have passed me by. More and more though, I’m overcoming those pesky fears and I’m going after my dreams.

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